Once in a Wifetime® BEAUTY BEHIND BARS™ Mentoring Program for Girls (ages 10-18): Created to help mother's and daughter's build a bonding relationship, while preventing mental incarceration and self-imprisonment in girls. Statistics show that girls are looking for perfection through bullying, drugs and alcohol, gangs, social media, television, and magazines. Without positive reinforcement girls will result to looking for affection and self-esteem in negative outlets, which could carry into adulthood.
All girls deserve to have an amazing relationship with their mothers where love and self-respect are displayed first. Some girls are not provided with the same opportunities as others. Our mentoring program focuses on problems and issues girls face during pre-adolescence and adolescence. The 6 month program teaches:
Integrity, Character, & Respect
Knowing & Loving Yourself
Image & Body Respect
Physical & Mental Health
Youth Entrepreneurship
Overall Etiquette
All girls deserve to have an amazing relationship with their mothers where love and self-respect are displayed first. Some girls are not provided with the same opportunities as others. Our mentoring program focuses on problems and issues girls face during pre-adolescence and adolescence. The 6 month program teaches:
Integrity, Character, & Respect
Knowing & Loving Yourself
Image & Body Respect
Physical & Mental Health
Youth Entrepreneurship
Overall Etiquette